Friday, 8 November 2013

Environment mod - Imperial Guard Valkyrie

 Model swap: Elmis66

This mod changes the BF109 that flies over the map Airport to Imperial Guard Valkyrie. This is work in progress, as only the model change has beed done so far, but since you don't look at that plane very often, I think it can be used without the skin done.


This mod is WIP and will be finished in the future.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Chaos T-34

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Black Legion's medium tank, camo and model


Sunday, 27 October 2013

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Imperial Guard BDR G1B

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard heavy tank of the 142nd Armored Regiment


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Historical Realism Sound mod 1.853

Historical Realism Gun sound mod 1.853 is out!

I now have a very own blog for both the guns and the engines!

Don't worry, I will still post updates here!

Go to the blog for 1.853

Historical Realism Gun Sound mod 1.852 is out.

Should fix the issues with the crashes of the loading of the Panther M10 and the PzKpfw IV Schmalturm.

Also, this SHOULD also fix the issues with the missing sounds, IF you remove the older "weapons_x.fev/fsb" files in the audio folder

Historical Realism Gun Sound mod 1.851 is out.

New stuff:
-Fixed the missing gun sounds.

Download Historical Realism Gun sound mod 1.851

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Historical Realism Gun Sound mod 1.85 is out.

New stuff:
-Compatibility with 0.8.9.

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Historical Realism Gun Sound mod1.84 is out..

-Fixed the 360 turning of tanks.
-Added new sound to 45mm, 50mm and the F-34/ZiS-5 cannons.
-New sound for the 170-183mm guns.
-Improved the loading of sounds.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Chaos SU-85

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Black Legion's tank destroyer, camo and model


Saturday, 5 October 2013

Chaos KV-1

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Black Legion's heavy tank, camo and model


Saturday, 28 September 2013

Imperial Guard Crusader

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard light tank of the 8th Armored Regiment, camo and model


Monday, 23 September 2013

Imperial Guard Bishop

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard SPG of the 8th Armored Regiment, remodelled and camoed


Saturday, 21 September 2013

Imperial Guard AT-2

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard tank destroyer, remodelled and camoed


Saturday, 7 September 2013

Imperial Guard Churchill Mk 1

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard heavy tank, remodelled and camoed

Update: Skin changed to match the new style, textures are better organized now


Monday, 26 August 2013

Imperial Guard Black Prince

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard heavy tank


Imperial Guard Matilda

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard medium tank, camoed and remodelled


Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Imperial Guard Cromwell

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard medium tank, camoed and remodelled


Sunday, 11 August 2013

Imperial Guard Churchill Mk 7

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard heavy tank, remodelled and camoed


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Historical Realism Gun Sound mod 1.82

New stuff:

-Removed the annoying sound with the 155mm guns.
-I don't know.
-I ate pizza for lunch today

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Jesus Christ. Calm down! Whenever you see it doesn't work for someone, then it obviously doesn't work for you either!

The issue was that I forgot to add a very important folder to the download.

1.81 fixes this problem.

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New stuff:
-Compatibility with 0.8.7.
-New sound for the 100mm D10 guns.
-New sound for 47mm french guns.
-New sound for all short barreled soviet 76.2mm guns. S-54 will keep the old sound.
-Improved the 155mm T7 sound.
-Improved the exterior firing sound of the 85mm guns.
-Improved the exterior firing sound of the short 37mm guns.

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Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Imperial Guard Medium Mk. I

Model: Elmis66
Skin: CrimsonMobster

Cadian Imperial Guard medium tank, camoed and remodelled


Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

crewed Marder II

This mod adds 3 crew members (not historically accurate, because they should be ordinary soldiers instead of Panzertruppe). One of them is a driver but it's not easy to notice him at a first glance.


Monday, 29 April 2013

crewed Hummel

This mod adds 4 crew members (not historically accurate, because they should be ordinary soldiers instead of Panzertruppe), one of them is attached to turret.


crewed Grille

This mod adds 2 crew members (not historically accurate, because they should be ordinary soldiers instead of Panzertruppe, and there should be one more, but there's no space for him)


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Historical Realism Gun Sound Mod 1.61

New promotional video!

Many thanks to Jetnavo!

Changelog 1.61/Изменений за/для 1.61
-Removed engines.xml. For those who had no engine sounds, delete the 'vehicles' folder in X:/Games/World_of_Tanks/res_mods/0.8.5/item_defs/ before installing this version.
-Gave the sound back to the T57's 120mm gun, if I recall correctly that I added the latest build of the sound files to this version.

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NOTE: This will ONLY work for the 0.8.5(test server) version! By trying this on a 0.8.4 client will crash the game!

Changelog 1.6/Изменений за/для 1.6
-There's now a sound delay of distant sounds. This does not reflect real life values as the distance system in World of Tanks is quite messy and unaccurate. This was also a huge surprise for you!
-Added sound for the DShK/ДШК gun for the T-60.
-Changed sound for the SU-100Y's 130mm.
-Changed sound for the 'murican 105mm guns.
-Added some sound to the 105mm L7 guns.
-Changed ALOT of distance values for guns.
-Improved the BL-10 sound significantly.
-Added tracer sound for large caliber HEAT shells(uses the old 105mm shell tracer sound)
-New sound for 105mm tracers.
-Additional sound for the large caliber tracers.
-New explosion sound for 57-75mm HE shells.
-New armor hit sound for 105mm shells.
-Improved the sound of the 120mm M58.
-New sound for the T57's 120mm.
-Improved sound(barely noticable) on long 122mm guns.

I have fallen in love with Tchaikovsky/Чайковский. o.O


This mod changes T20 into T25E1, only the first turret ramains the same as I have no idea for now, how should it look like
The idea for update would be adding the rangefinders according to this photo:

Monday, 18 March 2013

Historical Realism Gun Sound Mod 1.57

Changelog 1.57/Изменений за/для 1.57

-A new compression system. It's the only special feature of this update, other than some volume tweaks of guns and such. This new compression system compresses the largest files and streams smaller ones from my database. This will make downloads exeptionally smaller and improves performance.

I edited this with my phone, so no link right now.

Download v1.57

(please note that I managed to name the file V2 by accident, and that I'm not willing to change that, as it's a rather small issue and won't affect anyone)

Changelog 1.56/Изменений за/для 1.56
-Most of the guns, that previously missed sounds, now got their sounds.

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Changelog 1.55/Изменений за/для 1.55(don't know which to use in this case)
-Finally figured out how to edit vehicle .xmls. Now I can add more sounds for specific vehicles!
-Added sound for the gun of the SU-100Y.
-Fixed the path for the 150mm L38 for the E-100.
-Added 3.7 Inch AA gun for the Churchill Gun Carrier.
-Added sound for the 32pdr.
-Added sound for short 6 pounders.
-Gave the 105mm L52 guns the same sound they have with the original sounds.
-Rearranged and reworked the order of the "events" in gun_effects.xml. I won't affect the game. It just made it easier for me to track down each event.
-Changed some of the low-caliber tracer sounds.
-New sound, both close and distant, when you get penetrated by a large caliber AP round.

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-Added sound for the Soviet 76mm guns.
-Added sound for the autoloading 76 mm 54-76TG.
-Added sound for 17pdr guns.
-Reworked the sound of the 20pdr.
-Added some of the WG sound to 105mm L52-L68 guns.
-Tweaked range of some guns.
Tweaked sound of high tier 122mm and 130mm guns.
-Changed sound of 45mm guns.
-Changed distant sounds of most high caliber guns.
-"New" sound for the 150mm L38 for the E-100 (it's just that I added the sound to the project).
-New sound for some of the American 155mm guns and the BL-10/M64.
-Re-added the "frieght-train" tracer sound as some call it due to popular demand from ex-marines and soldiers.
-Tweaked the 75-76mm artillery guns.
-Не знаю...

I recommend if you have any 7.1 headset/speaker setup to enable alot of bass.

I did this on my 7.1 Corasir Vengaence 1500 and noticed a MASSIVE improvement over the default settings! The battle has never sounded so good in my opinion!

This song is only for the victorious.
Победоносная песня для наших бравых бояк!

Good luck on the battlefield!
Удачи в боях!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Historical Realism General User Interface (GUI) sounds v0.12

Many thanks toBullitt Bill for the video!

I decided to just add some additional voices to my rather old gui sounds for the now dead Forgotten Hope 2 sound mod.

The changes are:

-New reloading sound.

-Added dispersion sound.

-Some other stuff I can't recall.

-User defined voices if your base is getting capped.

It currently features these voices from different nations that the user can select:

Modern American
United Kingdom

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These voices comes from Battlefield 1942 and Forgotten Hope 0.7+Forgotten Hope Secret Weapons 4.0

There are a few more nations like Netherland and Chinese, but they are have no radio noise and sounds quite unproffersional compared to the others.

Plans for the future:

-Intergrate this mod with HR Gun Sounds

-Add voices for reloading depending on nation you have selected

-Add crew voices from each nation(voice actors with editing skills required!)

-Other nation voices(Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Greece, NORWAY!!!!!)

 -Added arabian voice for the lulz
-Added modern american voice 
-Fixed the German gui. 
-Added the forgotten 'murican sounds. 

-Initial release

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Historical Realism Gun Sound Mod v1.41

-Fixed the rather embarassing issue with the tracers: I forgot to add an "s" to each instance in the "shot_effects.xml".

Download HRMOD Gun Sounds v1.41

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New stuff/Изменений
-Compatibility with 0.8.4
-Added sound for the 30mm MK301 7.92mm Mauser EW-141.
-New sound for 105mm L52 for non tier X tanks.
-Added some additional sounds for the L7. 
-Added old exterior sound for the 105mm L52 for the 50mm as I found it, in a dream, to sound very good! o.O

Download HRMOD Gun Sound v1.4

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И песня для вас, русских. )))

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

PzKpfw T34 88(r)

 !Post updated!
 The T-34/85 with 8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56 gun, stowage box on the back of the turret, additional rear fuel tanks and skirts.
This mod is a total conversion of VK3001(P) including in-game icons, models.
Skins made by CrimsonMobster (creating skirts textures), Blue_Beta (texturing whole tank to gray/olive)

Update: Changed file paths for 0.8.3

If you get any issues with this mod, please mention it in comments so I can fix it.

Alternate textures (those are only .dds files)

German gray with #88 and german cross on the turret

Dark olive paint, #11 and german cross on the turret, tanks and Hi Kommet on the barrel of 88 gun.

If you get any issues with this mod, please mention it in comments so I can fix it.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Historical Realism Gun Sound Mod V1.33

 New in v1.33

-Reverted the tracers of large calibre guns back to the old ones.

-Added the exterior firing sound for the 105mm L7 for the interior to give the impression that it actually is a gun firing off.

Download HRMOD Gun Sounds v1.33 (

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 New in v1.32t*:

-Yet another atempted fix of the Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres' issue where the shells wouldn't load after battle.

-Fix for some of the Soviet self propelled gun's weight were incorrect and caused conflicts with mounted modules.

*t meaning test, and that it's just a regular release if the listed issues above is fixed.

 Download HRMOD Gun Sounds v1.32t (

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 New stuff in v1.31:

-Fixed the missing 20pdr sound.

-Fixed the issue with the Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres shells inability to load after a battle.

-Changed the range of the debris hitting the ground after an explosion.

-Hopefully fixed an issue with the SU-26's 122mm Howitzer mod. 1930's range.

Download HRMOD Gun Sounds v1.31

New stuff: (1.3)

-0.8.3 compatibility.

-Sound of debris from dirt, sand and snow from explosions.

-Added sound for the high tier Chinese 122mm guns.

-Added sound for short 75/76mm guns.

-New sound for the 170mm PaK46.

-New sound for the 120 mm Gun T53A1.

-Re-added the sound of the Breda

-Added russian text to the readme.

That's it. Not much new in this version.

Download HRMOD Gun Sounds V1.3